About Us
Dr. Sachin Arya
MBBS, DOMS, Fellowship in comprehensive Ophthalmology
Consultant Cataract and Cornea and refractive surgeries
Career Objective:
To build long term career in healthcare with opportunity for career growth

Dr. Sachin arya, trained in field of cornea and refractive surgery from Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya, Chitrakoot.
He efficiently manages large no of patients in OPD and expert in diagnosis and management of various cornea diseases.
He has performed
> 21,000 SICS,
> 40,000 phacoemulsification surgeries,
> 900 Lasik Laser,
> 125 PRK,
> Phakic IOLS,
> 200 C3R,
> Amniotic membrane transplantation,
> 1000 corneal transplantation,
> 4000 pterygium,
> 500 corneal tear.
He has 14 years of experience.
He has more than 1 lakh happy patients.
MBBS, DOMS, Fellowship in comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cornea & Refractive surgery (2011-2014 )
Consultant Cataract and Cornea and refractive surgeries (2014-2017)
Shri Sadguru Sewa Sangh Trust Chitrakoot Satna (MP)
1. 2003 to 2009 MBBS NSCB Medical College Jabalpur (M.P)
2. 2009 to 2011 DOMS Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College Indore (M.P)
3. 2011 to 2014 Fellowship in comprehensive Ophthalmology and Cornea and refractive surgeries Shri Sadguru Sewa Sangh Trust Chitrakoot Satna (MP)
4. 2014 to 2017 Consultant cataract and Cornea and refractive surgeries
Shri Sadguru Sewa Sangh Trust Chitrakoot Satna (MP)
5. 2017 to 2021 consultant cataract and Cornea and refractive surgeries vinayak netralaya indore
- Teaching to MBBS students and junior post graduate residents at MGM Medical College Indore
- Teaching the DNB residents, B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) Nursing students, Optometrist at Shri Sadguru Sewa Sangh Trust Chitrakoot Satna (MP)
- Hands on training of ECCE, SICS ,PHACO, keratoplasty, lasik surgery to fellows ,State, national and ICO candidates at Shri Sadguru Sewa Sangh Trust Chitrakoot Satna (MP)
- Sutureless and glue free pterigium autografting surgery . a case series
- ( MPSOS 2013 ,chief & presenting author)
- Single suture technique in pterigium autografting surgery . a case series
- (AIOS 2015,MPSOS 2015)
- Outcome of simple limbal stem cell transplantion in pediatric age group (MPSOS and AIOS 2016 as chief author)
- Outcome of large graft penetrating keratoplasty in perforated corneal ulcer (MPSOS 2013 , coauthor)
- Releaseble suture technique – newer approach in pterigium surgery ( 2016)
- E-poster presentation on tolosa hunt syndrome – a case repost ( AIOS 2011)
Few of my experiences are mentioned below
– Expert in diagnosis and management of various corneal diseases
– Diagnosis and management of various general ophthalmological diseases
– Very experienced in performing corneal surgeries in adults as well as in children like
- Keratoplasty >500 including optical , thereapeutic , tectonic, DALK and DSEK
- LASIK surgeries > 600
- Corneal and scleral tear repair > 300
- Collegen crosslinking with riboflavin ( c3r ) in keretoconus >50
- Pterygium surgery >2900 ( including sutureless & gluefree technique , with glue and modified single suture technique and releasable suture technique)
- Phakic IOL surgery >25 ( ICL ,IPCL )
- >100 Amniotic membrane graft and limbal stem cell transplantation in ocular lime injury
- Various mass excision and many other and minor procedures
– Very experienced in performing cataract surgeries normal as well as in difficult situations in adults as well as in children like
- ECCE > 100 cases
- SICS > 22000 cases-
– Various other procedures like DCT,DCR, glaucoma triple procedure, trabeculectomy, YAG capsulotomy, etc.
– Efficient to manage large number of patients in a day in the hospital based set up as well as in a community based set up.
- AIOS: All India Ophthalmological Society (A15092)
- MPSOS: Madhya Pradesh State Ophthalmological society (A646)
- CSI : Cornea society of india( 298)
- IDOS : Indore division of ophthalmic society